When you are shopping for an insurance policy, you need to look for a product that provides protection against a break-in. Should your home be victimized, you want to ensure that your policy will not only cover any damages sustained by your home, but the loss of any valuable products as well.
Experiencing a break-in can not only cause you feelings of distress, it could also result in an increase in your insurance policy. In order to enjoy the lowest possible monthly premiums for your insurance, here are three social media strategies that you can use to avoid a home break-in.
1. Limit the type of people you connect with.
Social media platforms make it easier than ever before to stay connected with friends, family members, and old acquaintances from around the world. With more than 81% of Americans having an active social media profile, there are many opportunities to meet new people through social networking sites as well.
If you want to avoid a home break-in, then you need to limit your connections to those individuals that you already know. This will ensure that your profile is only viewed by people who will have your safety in mind, not a potential burglar looking to target your property.
2. Control your privacy settings.
In order to ensure that a home break-in doesn't result in a premium increase for your insurance policy, you need to control the privacy settings on your social media profiles. Be sure that you have all personal information set to private so that individuals you don't know can't access your photos or posts.
It can beneficial to avoid checking into certain locations, as this will let potential burglars know that you are away from home. You should also be sure that friends and family members cannot tag you in photos without your permission if you want to maximize your home security.
3. Carefully review all posts before they go live.
One of the easiest things you can do to protect your personal property is take the time to review all posts before they go live on your social media sites. Check each photograph carefully for identifying information like a house number, street sign, or other image that might let a potential burglar know where your home is located.
You should also avoid posting any travel photograph while you are on vacation, saving these photos for when you are safely back in your home instead.
Keeping your home protected from a break-in can be a simple way to control your safety and your insurance costs. Work with yourinsurance agent to determine some effective social media strategies that will help you protect your property in the future.