Most self-employed individuals simply assume that they are unable to take advantage of the benefits that group health insurance has to offer. This is because group health insurance plans are traditionally used by large companies in order to provide health benefits to their employees. However, the truth is that just about anyone can take advantage of these group health plans. This is because health insurance providers do not define a group solely based on the members of this group working for the same employer. Instead, most insurance providers simply require that the members of the group have a defining trait that all members of the group must share. With this definition in mind, there are several common ways in which a self-employed person can form their own group in order to take advantage of group health insurance plans. You can learn more about three of these ways below.

#1: Form A Group With Others In The Same Profession

While you may not work for a traditional employer, you can still take advantage of one of the most traditional ways in which an insurance group is formed. This is because rather than basing membership to your group on the fact that you and the other members share an employer, you can base this membership on the fact that you all share a profession. For instance, if you work as a freelance photographer, you can form a group that is comprised of other photographers in your area. 

#2: Form A Group With Others In The Same Region

If you find it difficult to recruit enough group members that share your profession, you may want to consider expanding eligibility by opening your group up to individuals who live in your same general area. For instance, while you may not find large numbers of freelance writers in your town that wish to form a group for health insurance purposes, you can choose to open your group to all freelance contractors in your town or state in order to attract more members. This can prove very beneficial since the larger your group is, the better rate you are likely to get from the insurance company. 

#3: Form A Group With Others With The Same Affiliations

Chances are that you are affiliated with a variety of different organizations such as a school, place of worship, or a community group. This affiliation is something that you and all the other members of that group share. Consequently, this group can also be the basis for a group health insurance plan. 
